Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Folder Hiding In Nokia 3110c

It is however not possible to completely encrypt any data on your nokia 3110c(or any other s40 series of nokia).

However you can possibly remove a folders visibility by changing the extension.

Here are the steps :
1)Get into gallery
2)Change the 'type of view' from options to grid.
3)Create a folder name starting with 'Z' so that the folder will appearing last among the folder grids.
4)Now go to rename and change the extension to filename.ota
5)Get out and see that your folder is not visible but can be accessed via navigation keys(The folder will be present at the last)

Some tips while hiding your confidential data
1)Try to create the hidden folder as interior as possible to prevent its detection.
2)Try to create a continuous visible folder list as possible.

like :
When any one try to open the folder he will think that the set got stuck and stop pressing the open key

In any of the inner folder (not the last one) create the hidden folder...
It will be more safe...

Note:Any of this technique will help you in hiding while browsing through computer. Your file system will be completely exposed as normal......

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